How to properly charge a powerbank?
To have our Smartphone or tablet full of energy, it is necessary to have our external battery in perfect condition beforehand to use it. It seems easy or a simple matter of memory (remembering to do it) and that’s it, but think about it, do you know how to achieve an optimal result? Today we will explain how to properly charge a powerbank. So you can live in peace without fear of being unable to use it at the most inopportune moment.
Power banks or external batteries have become a fundamental gadget in recent years. The charges of our mobiles or tablets rarely last 24 hours in a row (except when the device is very new), and if we are away from home we usually want to have our device at any time.
Some time ago we told you about the tips to keep in mind when you want to buy a powerbank. A concept to take into account and related to the issue of charging is the capacity in milliamps (mAh). This data will tell us how many gadgets we can load and/or how many times. For example, mobiles have a battery capacity that is measured with these parameters, the most modern have about 3000 mAh and the oldest 1000. So a battery with a capacity of 7200 mAh will allow us to charge two phones or one twice before recharge.
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Powerbanks usually carry some kind of indicator that shows us the battery level. Normally there are four LED lights that each equals 25% of the total capacity. A first step when getting started with these gadgets is to first read the manual (it’s worth doing). In it, it will tell us if it is convenient to charge the device before its first use or better to take advantage of the amount of energy that comes from our factory in China.
If your model does not have lights or has fewer lights, the most reliable way is to calculate according to the mAh of your powerbank and your gadgets to be charged. Although keep in mind that if it is an old external battery it will have lost part of its original capacity, but you can still get an idea.
When we charge, it is not necessary to connect the powerbank to the current until it is full of energy. It is enough that it reaches 80% of its capacity (approximately) in order to ensure a longer and better useful life for the gadget. Similarly, it is not good to let it fall below 25% full charge before plugging it into the power. Remember that we are speaking as a general rule, if it happens once or twice, it will not generate much damage.
The charging frequency will obviously be marked by its use. But if you don’t use your external battery often, a good tip is to charge it every 2 or 3 months. When you don’t use it, you will see that it is downloading little by little. When you are going to do it, check first of all the charge level to know how far you have to recharge it.
Whether you use it often or from time to time, the charging time of a powerbank is long. It is far from other gadgets for daily use such as a Smartphone or smartwatch. As always, it will depend on the model you have. The most common models usually take between 2 and 10 hours to complete their charge. The exact amount will depend on your mAh capacity. We are not only referring to the total but to the load capacity that is measured in amps (which usually ranges between 1.0 and 3.0).
Also, many power banks have multiple USB ports for charging. If you want to know which one is the fastest, it will be the one with a higher amp capacity. Although be careful, if you use a charger other than the one supplied by the manufacturer or of low quality, as it can damage the gadget.
Another fundamental advice for charging, it is better to connect it to a plug that goes to the current than to do it to the computer via a USB cable. If we connect it to a computer, the charging time will take much longer than it would normally.

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In Our China Factory of powerbanks the useful life of each model if used intensively can be between one and a half and three and a half years; or what is the same, between 300 and 1000 charging cycles. If you follow these tips, you will get closer to the top of this time frame.
All these tips can be included in your promotional campaign if you are going to give away a powerbank. The recipients will appreciate knowing how to properly handle this gadget and extend its useful life. This information can be included as a pdf within the device itself or distributed in physical format with a leaflet or similar.
And of course these are generic recommendations but it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions at all times.
As you can see, knowing how to correctly charge a powerbank makes it an even more attractive gadget. We hope the information has been useful to you. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We also leave the comments open for you to comment on any aspect you deem appropriate.