The 10 amazing USB Flash Drives From China Factory
As we know, china custom USB flash drive factory sticks are a splendid gift for customers since it is a scarce product in offices and is perceived as a high-cost product. By giving these personalized usb the customer feels happy and is more likely to buy the company’s products or at least remember the name of it. However, what the client does not know, is everything that can be done with these pendrives that have been given to them. Simply use it to save files and share them from one computer to another – needless to say, it is the most normal way to use custom USB sticks – however, there are many other fun and original things that can be done with these personalized memories and that we are sure you do not know.
Take your games anywhere, saved on your usb stick
Computer games consume a lot of space on the hard drives of our computers. However, there is a possibility that during the installation of one of these computer games, the installation is carried out directly on the removable USB drive. Currently, most USB flash drives to give as gifts have more than 2Gb of memory, so many games could be installed directly on this external memory. Imagine giving your clients a custom USB drive that includes a game saved inside, and apart from being able to save the data they need, they can also – if the occasion requires it – play a fun game anywhere quickly just by placing the flash drive in the usb port.
Use the custom usb that you have been given as a time capsule
Sometimes the custom flash drives that they give us do not have enough capacity to want to want to use it or take it with them (for example, 512Mb USB sticks). What we propose is that you turn your usb memory into a time capsule, that is, keep documents, photographs, videos,… everything that has happened to you for a year in memory and deliberately lose said memory in one of the drawers of your home. You will see how after a few years when you clean those drawers and find the USB memory at the bottom, you will be surprised! Not only when you see the usb memory you didn’t even remember, but also when you see the photos and documents you had saved.

usb flash drive factory china
Fix a computer that is infected by a Virus
The custom usb that companies give away can also be used to save a computer that has been filled with strange viruses and that does not work correctly. Even in cases where the computer cannot be restarted correctly, because the virus does not let us run any antivirus program. In order to disinfect the computer, an antivirus program can be installed directly on the usb memory (a program like AVG Rescue), and then use it as the boot port, which will allow us to automatically run the antivirus from the usb memory and thus be able to scan the files, identify the virus and delete them completely. You can see how to carry out this process in the following link.
Protect private information and keep it safe
A usb memory is used to store documents, but sometimes the information on it includes private and important documents (such as contracts, passports, confidential documentation,…) that should not fall into the hands of third parties. We are sure that what you did not know is that you can encrypt the information on the usb memory that you have been given using an application like TrueCrypt on the usb memory. It is easy to use and you only have to define the password to be able to access the information, and then no one else will be able to access the files without having the appropriate password.
Turn the usb you got into a cassette tape from the 80’s
As we have previously mentioned, in the event that the custom flash drive that a company has given you as a promotional gift is not to our liking (mainly due to its memory capacity), we propose a fun solution to bring this USB memory to life. It is about turning it into an old musical cassette from the eighties, that is, take advantage of the usb to record songs that you like from a specific era and use the usb as a “playlist” of songs that you like to listen to, or give it to a friend so that he remembers how much fun you had together at the disco listening to those songs.
As a key for your personal computer (PC or Laptop)
You can use the personalized usb that you have been given as a private key to your computer. That is to say that if the usb is not placed in the port, the computer will not turn on, yes, it is better not to lose the usb or you will not be able to access the data on your computer. To carry out this action, you can use a program like Predator on the personalized flash drive that you have been given as a gift, and thus the flash drive will be virtually the password that is going to be needed to access the contents of the computer. If someone tries to use the computer without the usb inserted in the port, an “Access Denied” message will appear.
Use WordPress directly on a USB stick
An ideal solution for webmasters who make web pages or have a blog that runs on WordPress (it is a content management tool for blogs), who have to travel a lot and do not have access to the Internet as often as they would like to able to work on its pages. Surely you did not know that WordPress can be installed on a USB key and you can take it anywhere, modifying the data and making arrangements without having to have an Internet connection. You want to know more? We recommend that you read this article that we believe may be very interesting for you.
Use the personalized flash drive to make a copy of important documents when you travel
Sometimes when we have traveled we have lost or unfortunately our wallet or important documents have been stolen, such as ID, passport, plane or hotel reservation information,… we suggest that you always carry the company usb or the one that you have with you when you travel. They have given you a copy of all the important documents and you hang it on your key ring. This way you will take everything with you and in case an “accident” happens to the physical documents, you will always be able to access the information stored in the USB key to solve any problem that may arise.
Always carry your iTunes library with you
One of the applications that flash drives can store and run is Apple’s iTunes application. So after installing iTunes on the USB memory and configuring an autorun file, every time you plug your USB into the port, this fantastic application will open with your entire library of songs ready to listen, wherever you are and on your computer. in which you are With which you will always be accompanied by your favorite music wherever you go, without having to install the application on each of the computers with which you work.
Make your computer faster with the personalized flash drive they gave you
One of the options that usb memories allow that we know will interest you, is to be used as extra RAM memory. In other words, the memory of the flash drive is added to the RAM memory that your computer has and makes programs and applications work much faster. Here’s a nice tutorial that will explain how to do it, you’ll see how it doesn’t disappoint.
Conclusion: didn’t you know that custom USBs could be used for other things than simply storing work files, or personal images or photos? We hope you liked this post and remember that if you want to buy a personalized flash drive for your company at the best price at we are always available to answer any questions you may have.